HAS Coaching in Chandigarh

The Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission, being an independent and impartial Constitutional Authority, set up under Article 315 of the Constitution of India have to discharge the duties and functions , assigned to them under Article 320 of the Constitution. Further, by virtue of the provisions made in the relevant Acts, the Commission is required to advise the State Government on all matters relating to framing of Recruitment and Promotion Rules, principles to be followed in making appointments, promotion and transfer from one service to another and in respect of disciplinary matters affecting Civil Servants. At present direct recruitment of Class-I & Class-II posts of different departments is done by the Commission.

Posts through HPAS Examination

HP Administrative Service (Executive Branch)
HP Police Services (Deputy Superintendent of Police)
Excise & Taxation Officer
Block Development & Panchayat Officer
Labour & Conciliation Officer

HPAS Prelims Exam Pattern

Himachal Pradesh Administrative Services Combined Competitive Examination consists of following stages as described below in the flow chart.

Top Floor, Defence Study, HAS Coaching, HM 76, Sector 60, Phase 3B1, City Mohali, PH. 8146258794

1 comment:

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